
Thursday 14 July 2011


Diwali also called Devali in certain regions or Deepavali, popularly known
as the "festival of lights". Is a popular five-day festival in Hinduism, mid-October and mid-November. For Hindus, Diwali is one of the most popuJainism, and Sikhism, celebrated for different reasons, occurring betweenlar festivals of the year and is celebrated in families by performing traditional moksha or nirvana by Mahavira in 527 BC For Sikhs, Diwali ispopularactivities together in their homes. For Jains, Diwali significant theattainment of because it celebrates the release from prison of the sixth guru, GuruHargobind, who also emancipation 52 Hindu kings held captive by Mughal Emperorwith him in the Gwalior Fort in 1619


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